Planning Board Minutes 06-06-2022

TOWN OF BROWNVILLE                                     JUNE 6, 2022   5:00 PM

PLANNING BOARD                                               TOWN OFFICE, LIMERICK, NY


PRESENT:    Ron McGregor, Norm Peckham, Mark Kellar, Mike Parks, Charles Petrus,

Jason Crump, Tom Charlton and June McCartin


Guests:          Jeff Timerman, and Mike Battista


ABSENT:     No one


MINUTES:   Mark Kellar motioned approval of the minutes for May, 2022 and

Tom Charlton seconded the motion.  Agreed.


PUBLIC HEARING:  Joseph Davis Subdivision – NYS Rt. 12 – 2 lots   –  5:05 PM

Mike Battista represented Joseph Davis Subdivision application.  Legal ad

was read to open the hearing at 5:05PM.  No one spoke for or against the

proposed subdivision; therefore, hearing closed at 5:07 PM.


CORRES:      None



BUSINESS:  1. Joseph Davis Subdivision

Mike Parks motioned for a negative declaration on the EAF and Charles

Petrus seconded the motion.  Agreed.  With a complete application on

file, Norm Peckham motioned for approval of the application as

presented and Mark Kellar seconded the motion.  Agreed.




  1.         George Smith Subdivision – Star School House Rd. – 2 lots

Michael Battista presented an application to subdivide 117.50 acres into

two lots which are located off Star School House Road, parcel 63.00-2-

52.1.  Norm Peckham motioned for a public hearing to be held at 5:05

PM on July 11, 2022 and Tom Charlton seconded the motion.  Agreed.


REPORTS:   1. Ron’s activity report for the month reviewed.





Norm Peckham motioned adjournment at 5:23 PM and Mike Parks

seconded the motion.  Agreed.  Next regular meeting July 11, 2022.


Respectfully Submitted,

June McCartin