Town Board Meeting Minutes 1/4/2023

TOWN OF BROWNVILLE                                      TOWN OFFICE, LIMERICK, N.Y.

TOWN BOARD                                                         JANUARY 4, 2023 5:00 PM


PRESENT:    Roll call of Board Members:

Supv. Richard D. Lane, Councilmen Ron Tepfenhart,  Jeff Timerman, William Pickett, Supt. Roy Gilchrist and Clerk Kimberly Raymond


ABSENT:      Richard Dodge


GUEST:         Michael Walrath, Casey Dickinson


MINUTES:   Motion from Councilman Timerman to accept the Dec. minutes as

received and Councilman Tepfenhart seconded the motion.  Agreed.



STATEMENT:  Not available



BIDS:             Received two bids for 2 zero turn lawn mowers. Bid from John

Deere was $10,700.00 each, bid from Gravely Commercial $7,900.00




Incoming: 1. Letter from Jefferson County Recycling & Waste

Management stating increase in tipping fees starting January 1, 2023.  Increasing from $73.00 to $80.00 per ton, recycling

pick up fee is going from $50.00 to $75.00 each. Councilman Pickett motioned to accept increase with Councilman Tepfenhart seconded the motion.  Agreed.

  1.    Letter from Kendall, Walton & Burrows stating they will be

submitting letter to State for permission to intervene on Solar

Energy project in the Town of Lyme and Brownville.



  1. Planning Board Minutes NA
  2. Ron’s monthly land use reports
  3.  Copy of transfer site tonnage of refuse and recyclables
  4. Monthly dog report not available
  5. Constables report not available



  1. Casey Dickinson, BCA was present to update WD#2. Councilman

Tepfenhart approved resolution for final completion date for WD #2 moved to June 30, 2023.  Councilman Timerman seconded the

motion. Agreed. BCA can assist with resolution to modify budget

for the chlorine booster station.

2.  On January 4, 2023 during its regular monthly meeting, the Town Board adopted  a resolution authorizing the Supervisor to advertise the

Water District No. 2 Chlorine Booster Station project (Contract No. 5-Chlorine Booster Station) for competitive construction

bids  in the Town’s newspaper of record in accordance with the Town’s procurement policy.  This authorization is contigent upon receipt

of necessary approvals from NYS Department of Health and USDA Rural Development.  Motioned by Councilman Timerman seconded

by Councilman Pickett.  Agreed.






Crew working on plowing, picking up trees and signs from storm.

Councilman Timerman approved purchase of 2 zero turn lawn mowers

from Gravely Commercial at $15,800.00.  Councilman Tepfenhart

seconded the motion.  Agreed.


CLERK:              Councilman Timerman motioned to accept the Dec. clerk report and

year end 2022 report. Councilman Pickett seconded the motion. Agreed


COUNCILMEN:        Nothing



  1. Motioned was accepted to approve Organizational meeting 2023 by

Councilman Pickett.  Councilman Tepfenhart seconded the motion.


  1. Councilman Timerman approved Town Clerk appointment of

Kimberly Raymond to finish out term. Councilman Pickett

seconded the motion.  Agreed.





HIGHWAY BILLS:   Board Members reviewed the payables.  Councilman Tepfenhart

motioned to pay the General Bills ($20,153.53), the Highway

bills ($31,632.79) and the water bill for WD #1 ($49.66) and WD

#2 (15,610.35). Councilman Pickett motioned to accept bills

Councilman Timerman seconded the motion.  Agreed.


Floor:                  Nothing



ADJOURNMENT:    Councilman Tepfenhart motioned to adjourn at 5:41 PM and

Councilman Pickett seconded the motion.  The next town board

meeting has been scheduled for 5:00 PM on Feb. 1, 2023.

Respectfully Submitted


Kimberly S. Raymond, Clerk