Town Board Minutes 2/1/2023

TOWN OF BROWNVILLE                                      TOWN OFFICE, LIMERICK, N.Y.

TOWN BOARD                                                         FEBRUARY 1,2023 5:00 PM


PRESENT:    Roll call of Board Members:

Supv. Richard D. Lane, Councilmen Richard Dodge, Jeff                                                    Timerman, William Pickett, Supt. Roy Gilchrist and Clerk Kimberly

Raymond, Deputy Clerk Deleha Decker


ABSENT:      Ronald Tepfenhart


GUEST:         Casey Dickinson


MINUTES:   Motion from Councilman Dodge to accept the January minutes as

received and Councilman Timerman seconded the motion.  Agreed.



STATEMENT:  Councilman Pickett motioned to accept the financial statements for

December 2022.  Councilman Dodge seconded the motion.  Agreed.



BIDS:             Received estimate from Empire Tractor for repairs to Mower Tractor

In the amount of $12,382.55.



Incoming: 1. Letter from Kendall, Walton & Burrows regarding Tax exemptions for Volunteer Firefighters/Ambulance workers. The Town

Board has opted out for this request at this time.

  1.   Received letter from The Workplace regarding hiring

summer 2023 help.  The Town Board has opted out on this request at

this time.



  1.                       Planning Board Minutes NA
  2. Ron’s monthly land use reports
  3.                       Copy of transfer site tonnage of refuse and recyclables
  4. Monthly dog report not available
  5. Constables report not available



  1. Casey Dickinson, BCA was present for update on WD #2.

Advertised in the Watertown Daily Times for bids for Chlorine

Booster Station.  Bids to end February 16, 2023. Still working on

Outwater Bridge, final details.  Casey explained a new Lead Service

Line Inventory to be done on WD #1 & WD #2 to be complete and

submitted by Oct. 16, 2024.  BCA prepared a proposal to help assist with this.  Councilman Dodge motioned to accept assistance with

Councilman Timerman seconded the motion.  Agreed.







Crew working on plowing, picking up trees and signs from storm.

Councilman Dodge approved estimate/repair of mower tractor

from Empire Tractor for $12,382.55.  Councilman Pickett

seconded the motion.  Agreed. Councilman Pickett motioned to accept

bid for the for the purchase of 35 ft. tow behind lift for $33,900.00

with the 3 villages, V-Dexter, V-Glen Park, V-Brownville going into

pay for portion of the lift.  Councilman Timerman seconded the

motion.  Agreed.


CLERK:              Councilman Dodge motioned to accept the Jan. clerk report.

Councilman Pickett seconded the motion. Agreed


COUNCILMEN:        Nothing



  1. A resolution was made for revalue to be done in 2025.

Councilman Dodge motioned to accept,  Councilman

Pickett seconded the motion.  Agreed.




HIGHWAY BILLS:   Board Members reviewed the payables.  Councilman Tepfenhart

motioned to pay the General Bills ($57,391.87), the Highway

bills ($246,203.59) and the water bill for WD #1 ($1,182.34) and

WD#2 (6,211.58). Councilman Pickett motioned to accept bills

Councilman Timerman seconded the motion.  Agreed.


Floor:                  Nothing



ADJOURNMENT:    Councilman Dodge motioned to adjourn at 5:26 PM and

Councilman Timerman seconded the motion.  The next town board

meeting has been scheduled for 5:00 PM March. 1, 2023.

Respectfully Submitted


Kimberly S. Raymond, RMC

Town Clerk