Town Board Meeting Minutes 04/05/2023

TOWN OF BROWNVILLE                                      TOWN OFFICE, LIMERICK, N.Y.

TOWN BOARD                                                         APRIL 5,2023 5:00 PM


PRESENT:    Roll call of Board Members:

Supv. Richard D. Lane, Councilmen Jeff Timerman                                                             ,                      William Pickett,  Ronald Tepfenhart,

Town Clerk Kim Raymond


ABSENT:     Roy Gilchrist, Highway Super, Councilman Richard Dodge


GUEST:         Casey Dickinson


MINUTES:   Motion from Councilman Timerman to accept the March minutes as

received and Councilman Tepfenhart seconded the motion.  Agreed.



STATEMENT:  Councilman Tepfenhart motioned to accept the financial statements for

February 2023.  Councilman Timerman seconded the motion.  Agreed.


BIDS:             None



Incoming: Kendall, Walton & Burrows, Prior written notice Law/Notice of Defects.

Highlander Construction, Inc. requested Freedom of Information Law

Request for records.


Outgoing:  None



  1.                       Planning Board Minutes NA
  2. Ron’s monthly land use reports
  3.                       Copy of transfer site tonnage of refuse and recyclables
  4. Monthly dog report not available



  1. Casey Dickinson, BCA was present for update on WD #2.

Still working on additional funding for projects outstanding.

Final documents to be submitted for installation      documents to

be completed for J.R. Dudley to proceed with Chlorine Booster



NEW BUSINESS:   Amend bond resolution for Water District #2.




HIGHWAY SUPT.  Absent, however, have monthly reports included with minutes.



CLERK:              Councilman Pickett motioned to accept the March 2023. clerk report.

Councilman Timerman seconded the motion. Agreed.


COUNCILMEN:        None


TOWN SUPERVISOR: 1. James Gould gave his resignation as Constable effective

April  2023.

Councilman Timerman motioned for Public hearing for May 3, 2023

for Local Law #3, 2023 for Prior Written Notice/Notification of

Defects.  Councilman Tepfenhart seconded the motion.  Agreed.



HIGHWAY BILLS:   Board Members reviewed the payables.  Councilman Tepfenhart

motioned to pay the General Bills ($21,884.54), the Highway

bills ($119,176.18) water bills WD #1 ($1,772.19). Councilman

Timerman motioned to seconded the motion.  Agreed.


Floor:                  Nothing


ADJOURNMENT:   Councilman Tepfenhart motioned to adjourn at 5:19 PM and

Councilman Timerman seconded the motion.  The next town board

meeting has been scheduled for 5:00 PM May 3, 2023.

Respectfully Submitted


Kimberly S. Raymond, RMC