Brownville Planning Board Meeting June 3, 2024


PRESENT: Mark Kellar, Mike Parks, Tom Charlton, Jason Crump, Norm Peckham, Charlie Petrus and Christine Thurston
GUESTS: Atty. James Burrows, Atty David Brennan, Jeffrey Timerman, Tom Storino, Collin Jones, Marie Sykes, Ed Sykes, Chris Palmer and Carrie Colwell
PUBLIC HEARING: Christopher Hemeke, Middle Rd. parcel 80.09-1-5.61 subdivision represented by Tom Storino. Norm Peckham made a motion to accept the subdivision and seconded by Charlie Petrus, Agreed
OLD BUSINESS: Stone Rd and Moffatt Rd cell towers, all requested forms received Ag. data statement, FAA doesn’t require study due to locations of cell towers. Attorney Burrows requested the SEQR form to be submitted, questionnaire answered at meeting and approved by board. The Planning Board requested confirmation not responsible for possible blasting damage to cell tower from Stone Quarry.
Stone Rd. cell tower, Planning Board made a negative declaration, Charlie Petrus made a motion to accept, seconded by Norm Peckham. Agreed
Moffatt Rd cell tower, Planning Board made a negative declaration, Charlie Petrus made a motion to accept, seconded by Jason Crump.
Motion to approve site plan. Stone Rd site plan application, Charlie Petrus made a motion to accept, seconded by Tom Charlton. Mike Parks stated he didn’t approve. Agreed
Moffatt Rd site plan application, Norm Peckham made a motion to approve site plan, seconded by Jason Crump. Agreed
NEW BUSINESS: Bond, Schnoeneck and King sent letter representing National Grid application for lot line adjustment, site plan review and zoning permit for parcel 63.00-2-6.1, NYS Rte 12 for a 11.7 acre portion of land. Attorney Burrows, states it appears to him that the applicable area dimensional requirements are met or exceeded by Application. Town Board needs to adopt resolution to be lead agent this is shared with Towns of Pamelia and LeRay and National Grid responsible for any costs accrued by the Town. BCA Architects and Engineers for the Town of Brownville need to review information. Motion for Town of Brownville to be Lead Agent made by Mike Parks, and seconded by Charlie Petrus. Agreed
Chris Palmer request to build on parcel 71.15-1-43, 23303 Co Rte 59, non-conforming lot, request from Board for site plan from property owner.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn at 6:40 made by Norm Peckham, seconded by Jason Crump. Agreed
Next meeting July, 1, 2024 at 5:00 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Christine Thurston, Planning Board Secretary