PB Meeting 2/3/25



TOWN OF BROWNVILLE                                                                             16431 STAR SCHOOL HOUSE RD

PLANNING BOARD                                                                                                          DEXTER, NY 13634

MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                          February 3rd, 2025



I               ROLL CALL- Ron McGregor, Mark Kellar, Tom Charlton, Mike Parks, Jason Crump and  Novina Green

II             ABSENT- Norman Peckham and Charles Petrus

III            GUESTS- NYS Land Surveyor Mike Battista, Councilman Jeff Timerman

IV            PUBLIC HEARING – None

V             MINUTES

  1. Mike Parks motioned to accept the December 2024 minutes as received and Tom Charlton seconded, agreed.

VI            REPORTS

  1. Ron presented the board with a permit report showing how many permits for the year 2024 were applied for.


  1. Mike Battista presented the board with a lot line adjustment for Michael Pedroncelli to combine parcel # 63.00-2-59.4 with parcel # 63.00-2-59.3.  Jason Crump motioned for a public hearing for 3/3/2025 at 5:00PM and Mike Parks seconded the motioned. Agreed.


  1. Mike Battista presented the board with a subdivision for Greg Hoppel to subdivide parcel # 62.00-1-25.9 into 4 lots. Mark Kellar motioned for a public hearing on 3/3/2025 at 5:10pm and Tom Charlton seconded the motion. Agreed


  1. Board members were presented with a letter from the Town of Brownville Town Clerk regarding year 2025 office terms and pay rate.


IX            DISCUSSION –

  1. Ron McGregor notified the board that they will need to appoint a Chairman and a Secretary for the Planning Board. After further discussion, Tom Charlton motioned to re elect Ron McGregor as Chairman for the Planning Board with a term of 1 year and Jason Crump seconded. Mike Kellar motioned to appoint Shiloh Schloop as Planning Board Secretary with a term of 1 year and Tom Charlton seconded. Agreed



  1. Councilman Jeff Timmerman questioned the board members regarding the Vice Chairman position as well as a report from Ron McGregor for the month of January 2025. After further discussion, Mike Parks motioned to re appoint Mark Kellar as Vice-Chairman for the Planning Board and seconded by Tom Charlton.



Mark Kellar motioned to adjourn at 5:30 PM and Jason Crump seconded, agreed. Next meeting is scheduled for March 3rd, 2025, at 5:00PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Novina Green, PB Secty