ROLL CALL: Ron McGregor, Norm Peckham, Mike Parks, Charles Petrus, Tom Charlton and Novina Green
Absent: Mark Kellar, Jason Crump
Guests: Casey Dickinson – BCA Architects & Engineers, NEXAMP Project Manager – Fred Ball, Collier Engineer Andrew Graham, Gerry Kostyk, Tom Storino, Cora Farrell, Derek Strader, Diane Strader, Mary Netto, NYS Land Surveyor Mike Johnson, Town of Brownville Supervisor Richard Lane, Deputy Clerk Michelle Kurzenberger
I MINUTES: Mike Parks motioned to accept the September 2024 minutes as received and Charles Petrus seconded, Agreed.
II PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Diane Strader subdivision – Storino Geomatics to subdivide parcel #80.00-1-58.1/58.6 into 3 separate lots. The hearing opened at 5:00pm and with no further comments or questions, the hearing closed at 5:05PM. Tom Charlton motioned for a negative and Charles Petrus seconded, Agreed. Mike Parks motioned to accept the negative declaration and Charles Petrus seconded.
- Jeff Walker Subdivision – Presented by Mike Johnson for parcel # 62.00-1-20.21 to subdivide into 2 lots. The hearing opened at 5:05PM and with no further comments or questions, the hearing closed at 5:10PM. Mike Parks motioned for a negative declaration and Norm Peckham seconded, Agreed. Tom Charlton motioned to accept the negative declaration and Charles Petrus seconded, Agreed.
- Mike Bouges Subdivision – Presented by Mike Johnson for parcel # 72.16-1-10.28 to subdivide into 2 lots. The hearing opened at 5:10PM and with no further questions or comments, the hearing closed at 5:15PM. Charles Petrus motioned for a negative declaration and Mike Parks seconded, Agreed. Tom Charlton motioned to accept the negative declaration and Mike Parks seconded, Agreed.
- Sawmill Bay Solar Project Special Use Permit – NEXAMP manager Fred Ball with Colliers Engineer Andrew Graham proposing a solar facility on parcel #62.00-1-56.4. The hearing opened at 5:15PM and with no further comments, the hearing closed at 5:20PM
III OLD BUSINESS – Sawmill Bay Solar Project – After reviewing LEAF part 1 submitted by NEXAMP board members agreed that page 2 of EAF part 1 needs to be amended to include the local Fire Department/ EMS and Jefferson County Emergency Management to the involved agencies list. NEXAMP will be providing drafts for EAF part 2 and 3 prior to the next meeting and BCA Engineer Casey Dickinson will review. Tom Charlton motioned to adopt a resolution to declare lead agency and Mike Parks seconded and upon the roll call vote of the board, all agreed. Charles Petrus motioned for a public hearing for site plan review for November 4th, 2024, and Norm Peckham seconded, Agreed.
IV CORRESPONDENCE – Received an email from Jefferson County regarding Storino Geomatics renaming private drive for parcel#71.18-1-58.61 to Munson Drive. They needed us to provide a letter stating the board approves of the name. Mike Parks motioned to have a letter sent out to Jefferson County approving the name Munson Drive and Norm Peckham seconded. Agreed
V ADJOURNMENT: Tom Charlton motioned to adjourn at 5:35PM and Charles Petrus seconded. Agreed. Next meeting is scheduled for November 4, 2024, at 5:00PM
Respectfully submitted,
Novina Green
PB Secty