TOWN BOARD December 4th , 2024, 5:00 PM
PRESENT: Roll call of Board Members:
Supv. Richard D. Lane, Councilman Jeff Timerman, Councilman Ron Tepfenhart,
Councilman Bill Pickett, Councilman Richard Dodge, Highway Superintendent Roy
Gilchrist and Town Clerk Novina Green
GUEST: BCA Engineer Casey Dickinson, Cemetery Clerk Gerry Kostyk, JP Joe Murphy
MINUTES: Motion from Councilman Pickett to accept the November 2024 clerk minutes as
received and Councilman Dodge seconded the motion. Agreed.
STATEMENT: Councilman Timmerman motioned to accept the financial statement
for November 2024 as received and Councilman Tepfenhart seconded
the motion. Agreed.
1. Ron’s November 2024 mileage report
2. Copy of transfer site tonnage of refuse and recyclables
3. Clerk Monthly Financial Report November 2024
BCA Engineer Casey Dickinson presented the board with an update on WD2 chlorine booster station.
He stated that on 11/15/24 Koester tested the control panel and installed data logging technology. They will
be back on Friday to remove the data logger which will hopefully identify what is going on and how they can fix it.
Casey also gave an update on Sawmill Bay, and he stated that the Planning Board is all done with them.
1. The Town received Hon. Justin Brotherton’s resignation. He will officially be done
with office on 12/31/2024. Councilman Dodge motioned to accept his resignation as
received and Councilman Timmerman seconded the motion. Agreed.
2. Board Members received and reviewed two resumes for the soon to be vacant
position for Town Judge from T.Joseph Murphy Jr and Tracy Quinn.
3. Councilman Timmerman motioned to approve and appoint John Stano as Town of
Brownville Historian beginning 01/01/2025 and Councilman Pickett seconded. Agreed
HIGHWAY SUPT: Highway Superintendent Roy Gilchrist updated the board members with plowing that
has been done and servicing summer equipment. He also stated that the new
Loader has been received.
CLERK: Motion from Councilman Timmerman to accept the clerk financial report for November
2024 as received and Councilman Tepfenhart seconded the motion. Agreed.
CATIONS: 1. Letter was received from Dept. of Transportation regarding the NYSDOT request for a speed
reduction on County Rt 59. It stated that field work will be required to complete the study which
will be conducted next summer in 2025. NYSDOT will perform the speed study and will notify the
town of the results.
2. Letter received from NYS Dept. of Health regarding an inspection of the Towns public water system
conducted on 11/13/2024. NYS Inspector Michael Tracy stated that at the time of inspection, the Towns
water systems appear to be in general compliance with no violations.
TOWN SUPERVISOR: Supervisor Richard Lane presented the board members with the Town of
Brownville’s 2025 tax rates as of 11/27/2024
The board members agreed to move forward and select T. Joseph Murphy for the soon
to be vacant judge position. Councilman Pickett motioned to appoint Joseph Murphy as Town
Judge starting 01/01/2025 and Councilman Dodge seconded. Agreed.
HIGHWAY BILLS: Board Members reviewed the payables. Councilman Tepfenhart motioned to
pay the General Bills ($79,373.74), the Highway bills ($249,364.10) Water bills WD
#1 ($135.67), WD #2 ($101.14). Council Member Dodge seconded the motion. Agreed.
THE FLOOR: Cemetery Clerk Gerry Kostyk gave an update to the board regarding burials and
For what will be expected for in 2025.
ADJOURNMENT: Councilman Pickett motioned to adjourn at 5:30 PM and Council member
Timmerman seconded the motion. The next Town Board meeting has been scheduled
for 5:00 PM January 8th, 2025.
Respectfully Submitted,
Novina Green, Town Clerk